Medysin laboratory Doctors association has the most modern, automated Laboratory of Greece. ISO 15189 accreditation for a large number of examinations, as well as sample management by our Members [...]


With 8 milion new cases of active tuberculosis and the 1/3 of earth’s population be infected with LBTI we need modern tools to diagnose the disease.

Ovarian Cancer

An early diagnosis of ovarian cancer could lift the survival rate of five years up to 94%. Risk assessment for ovarian cancer.

Inflammatory disease or Irritable bowel

inflammatory disease has to do with chronic inflammatory diseases such as Chron disease, ulcerative colitis. Discrimination between Syndroms and Idiopathic bowel diseases


Thrombophilia is a hypercoagulation which could cause thrombosis and its a result of many  enviromental, hereditary or acclaimed factors. screening for congenital thrombophilia antiphospholipidic [...]

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